Husband and wife psychologists Dr. Ron Johnson and Dr. Deb Brock are experts in the fields of psychology who take a holistic approach – mind, body & spirit – to understanding people & helping them understand themselves.
Years of Experience
From psychological testing & evaluation to psychotherapy, Ron & Deb have extensive experience in the fields of psychology & psychotherapy.
Of People Helped
With over 106 years of combined practice, Ron & Deb have helped thousands of people understand themselves, repair their relationships & take charge of their lives.
Books Written
As authors, they continue to share their expertise with books about understanding feelings, identifying & enhancing personality strengths & masculinity.
Dr. Ron Johnson
Ron has over 58 years of experience in psychology with a primary focus on men.
Dr. Deb Brock
Deb has over 48 years of experience in psychology with a primary focus on women.
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Dealing Effectively with Challenges: The Four A’s
We can effectively meet the challenges of the day, of the year, or of one’s life. Likewise, there are four ineffective ways of facing the challenges of life, which are Avoidance Anxiety Anger Accommodation I will briefly describe…
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You Taught Me How to Love You
I knew a therapist who composed a song with this title in reference to his own therapist. This song reflected how his therapist had, indeed, taught him how to love. Recently, I had an experience with a patient that reminded…
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Wordiness, Wordlessness, and Wordness
Many people have trouble with words. In fact, it is my belief that every human being has trouble with words despite the fact that words are so central in human functioning and seemingly essential in interpersonal relations of any kind.…
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