emotional maturity
Love I: Theory
This is the first of several blogs regarding this most important concept, most certainly one of the most important concepts, ideas, facts, feelings, and experiences in the human experience. In the following blogs we will be examining the following: You were not loved right (as a child) “Love problems” (the emotions associated with love) Temperamental…
Why Did She Leave Me?
My wife left me…again. Yesterday. Bummer? Not exactly. She has a tendency to leave me every now and then. She loves to go to “her canyons” in UT and hike. Sometimes she has dragged me along or allowed me to travel and hike with her. Once she left me and went to Portugal to hike.…
The Deep Hole Phenomenon
Three is a deep “hole” inside many people. This “deep hole” causes people great distress and often causes other people distress. So, what does it mean to talk about someone’s “deep hole”? It means that this person feels a certain “emptiness” inside that cannot seem to be filled. This deep hole phenomenon has resulted in…
Perfect Love Prevents Fear
In one of the later books of the New Testament, the writer and apostle, John, states this: “There is no fear I love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” (1 John 4.18, New International Version). Other versions of…
Crazy is Contagious
I heard the statement, “crazy is contagious” from a colleague of mine when I told him about an experience I had recently had with a patient. It got me thinking. “Crazy” is not by any means a part of my vocabulary, nor are other typical terms when we think of the challenges that people have…
Life’s Issues and Challenges: It’s All about Trauma
A colleague, Jackie, recently told me about an experience she had had with an attorney. This colleague does quite a bit of family therapy and has a long history of having been involved in families that are usually quite dysfunctional. “Dysfunctional” is not one of my favorite words, but it means that the adults in…
I am not, by nature, a very patient person, which means that I tend to jump before I think and talk before I think. However, this lack of “thinking” is not the real essence of patience. Patience is much about feeling. If you have followed our recent blogs, specifically over the past year, you have…
Dealing Effectively with Challenges: The Four A’s
We can effectively meet the challenges of the day, of the year, or of one’s life. Likewise, there are four ineffective ways of facing the challenges of life, which are Avoidance Anxiety Anger Accommodation I will briefly describe each of these ways that people frequently deal with the challenges they face in their…