Find it, Face it, Feel it, Finish it.
“Find it. Face it. Feel it. Finish it.” We say this phrase to clients frequently. We are talking about old sads. Old sads that haven’t been finished have a way of lurking around causing all kinds of difficulties in life. One of the worst things old unfinished sads do is cause anxiety. Anxiety is undue…
You Don’t Want to Do It
How often do you feel compelled to do what you don’t want to do? If you’re like me, you often avoid these things, and then unfortunately, you feel burdened by thinking about what you should do quite a bit. In fact, you end up thinking about what you should do frequently, but interestingly, you don’t…
I Want to Be Tested
I am somewhat in the testing business. No, I don’t test for Lyme disease or cancer or most things that are medical in nature even though most physical and medical ailments have an important psychological origin. In fact, I actually do a fair amount of testing in psychological matters, sometimes personality features, sometimes diagnostic features…
Temperament VIII: Analysts. Challenges and Opportunities
In this series of blogs I have been presenting “temperament theory,” namely the understanding of personality in terms of what has been called “temperament” for many centuries. My own terms for the various temperaments are mine alone having been developed over the 50-odd years that I have been in practice. I readily admit that I…
Temperament III: Analysts
This is the third in a series about “temperament” after Temperament I where we discussed the idea of temperament in general and Temperament II where we introduced the temperament of “player.” In short review, and acknowledging that there are many shades of personality assessment, we propose that there are four primary temperaments that give us…
Join us tomorrow at the American Family Dream Bank!
We are excited to join the American Family Dream Bank for a discussion on the Goodness Of Sadness and how sadness can naturally eliminate routine anger, anxiety and depression. There is still room for you. Come! Thursday, January 3rd, 6:15 pm at the Spark Building- 821 East Washington Avenue, Madison, WI Check here for easy…
Feelings VII: It’s Not All About Hurt
How odd it must seem to start this blog with what seems like a contradiction to the title of the previous blog, “It’s All About Hurt.” All about hurt? Not all about hurt? What am I trying to say? I am saying that both are true, however paradoxical that sounds. In Feelings 6 we talked…
Who’s in Control
I’ve heard a lot about “control,” most of it negative. Like, “He’s a control freak,” or “She just has to control everybody in her life.” And then there is the other side, which seems to affirm that you can’t control anything and shouldn’t try like, “What’s going to happen is just going to happen” or…
The Other N Word
I have to be real careful with this blog. It could be very offensive. The “N word” that we all know…unfortunately…is all too rampant in America. Not so, by the way in most of the rest of world, and not even very prevalent in North America. I never heard the N word when I lived…