The Other S Word

You already know the bad “S” word. But there is a much worse “S” word: stupid. When this really bad “S” word gets into people’s vocabulary, they are in real trouble. This really bad “S” word begins to dominate how people think of the world…and themselves. I do my best to rid my patients of this most atrocious curse word. I would much rather that they use the other “S” word. So how does this “really bad” “S” word get into someone’s vocabulary?

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Love Is Not Enough

What an odd title: love is not enough. Is that true? How could that possibly be true? Isn’t love always good? If I love someone, isn’t that good in itself? Isn’t love always good? These are the questions I want to address in this blog. I actually borrowed this title from a movie and a book of the same name about treatment of a child with mental illness: love was not enough to help this boy through his difficulty.

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